Government Urges Americans to Be Prepared
With the anniversary of the 9-11 attacks and the anniversary of Hurricane Katrina are all the reminders we need that it pays to be prepared for natural and terror-related emergencies. September is National Preparedness Month, and we should all take some basic steps to be prepared. No matter how safe and secure you may feel […]
What is a Community Association?
Some residents think homeowners and condominium associations (generally called community associations) exist just to tell them what to do—or not do. Actually, the association is more like a housing management or service-delivery organization that provides three types of services to all residents—owners and renters alike Community services – these can include securing trash collection, publishing […]
Running for the Board—Do I Have What it Takes?
If you’re considering running for the board, we ask that you take a few moments to ask yourself the following three questions: Do I have the time?: As a board member, you will need to devote at least several hours of your time each month to association business. In addition to regular monthly board meetings, […]
Importance of Fire Extinguishers
The association strongly encourages residents to keep at least one, and preferably several, fire extinguishers in your home. Fire extinguishers reduce the potential for damage which keeps our insurance premiums—and your assessments—down. Several types are available, and each has a specific use. How Many? Common household fire extinguishers are only intended to snuff out small […]
Who Lives in Our Community?
Understanding and appreciating the generational values of your neighbors contributes to a strong community. Consider a few broad groups: Matures: The Matures were born between 1920 and 1945. They’re the last of the veterans of the World and Korean Wars, and are also called the “Silent Generation.” They’re about sacrifice. They survived the Great Depression, […]
Why a Fee Increase?
It isn’t news most homeowners want to hear: that assessments might be increased. But sometimes a fee increase is the best way to keep the association in good financial health — and, sometimes, increases are unavoidable. Here are some of the reactions homeowners typically have when they hear that their fees are about to increase, […]
Calling All Homeowners
All meetings of the association board are open meetings. Residents are encouraged to observe meetings and read approved minutes. Residents who wish to address the board are welcome to do so during the homeowner forum conducted at the beginning of each business meeting. Here are few tips for participating: 1. Put it in writing. You […]
Why Does Your HOA Need Reserves?
Equipment and major components (like the roofs) must be replaced from time to time, regardless of whether we plan for the expense. We prefer to plan and set the funds aside now. Reserve funds aren’t an extra expense—they just spread out expenses more evenly. There are other important reasons we put association monies into reserves […]
Here’s What HOA Residents Have to Say
Americans who live in community associations are overwhelmingly pleased with their communities, expressing strong satisfaction with the board members who govern their associations and the community managers who provide professional support. More than seven in 10 community association residents expressed satisfaction with their community experience, according to a survey conducted by Zogby International, a leading […]
Why Scoop the Poop?
Besides being a nuisance, uncollected dog waste is a serious problem for our association. Next time you’re tempted to leave your dog’s droppings on the lawn, please remember these facts: The Environmental Protection kingroot Apk Agency is becoming aggressive about enforcing the Clean Water Act. Our association could be fined if dog waste goes uncollected. […]