Withholding Assessments Won’t Work

Sometimes community residents become dissatisfied with the association for some reason. In this case, let’s use maintaining the parking lot as an example. Mr. Homeowner is unhappy because several small potholes have appeared in the parking lot, and the association hasn’t repaired them. He called the manager who said that all potholes will be repaired […]
Home-Improvement Apps: Tools You Need—In Your Pocket

Ready to tackle a few home improvement projects? There’s an apps for that. Houzz Interior Design Ideas This highly-rated app—4.5 out of 5 stars in the Apple store—lets you discover ideas for your home through a large database of design ideas. You can browse photos by style, room and location, and save them to a […]
How to Be a Good Neighbor

A little consideration goes a long way. Read the following tips from eHow.com on how to be a good neighbor beyond just a smile and a wave. Welcome any new neighbors with a personal note or pop by for a personal introduction. Make sure that the outside of your home—along with the grounds—is well-kept and […]
Mobile Lifelines
During extreme weather events, mobile devices can be essential tools for keeping in touch with family and monitoring response and recovery efforts. Before a severe storm hits, make sure your mobile device is prepared. Start a texting tree When communication channels are disrupted, texting may be the only available way to stay connected. Create a […]
Getting Your Home Ready to Sell
For any homeowner who has waited patiently for the real estate market to improve before putting a home up for sale, now is a great time to do so. After several sluggish years, home sales are experiencing a very healthy recovery. According to a 2013 article in The Washington Post, sales are up as much […]
Extinguishing the Flames
Most in-home fires are caused by ordinary things like a stove burner, candle, space heater or extension cord. Mental lapses, poor judgment and carelessness make these things dangerous. Thankfully, by exercising good safety habits and taking simple prevention steps, you can cut down on deadly and damaging fire risks. First, always be sure your smoke […]
Homeowner Rights and Responsibilities
As assessment-paying members of our community, we are entitled to certain rights and—in return—we have certain responsibilities. Homeowners have the right to: Participate in governing the community association by attending meetings, serving on committees and standing for election. Access appropriate association books and records. Prudent expenditure of fees and other assessments. Live in a community […]
Tips for Saving on Homeowners and Renters Insurance
Whether you own or rent your home, insurance is essential to protect your property and household goods. Comparison shopping for the best rates will certainly save you some money, but you also can save by following these tips: Choose a higher deductible—increasing your deductible by just a few hundred dollars can make a big difference […]
Guidelines for the Homeowner Forum
Residents are encouraged to attend and observe association board meetings. If you’d like to bring an issue to the board’s attention, you’re welcome to speak during the homeowner forum—a time set aside just for you. So that everyone who attends has an opportunity for a meaningful exchange with the board, we ask that you observe […]
What’s a Motion?
A motion is a proposal that the association’s membership take action or a position on a specific topic or issue. The following are six types of motions anyone who is a member can make at an association membership meeting: Main motions introduce a specific topic for consideration and cannot be made while another motion is […]