Resources to Avoid Foreclosure

The continuing home foreclosure crisis continues to reverberate throughout the housing market and other sectors of the economy. But the real tragedy is what foreclosure—or even the threat of default—does to families and individuals who face this kind of financial upheaval. And, it’s happening everywhere. While foreclosure rates are highest in “rustbelt” states like Michigan […]

About Our Insurance Agent

Insurance agents, like doctors, have a broad range of specialties and areas of expertise. Fortunately, community association insurance is one of them. Community associations have unique needs and exposures, so the board has been very diligent in selecting an agent with experience in this area. Our insurance agent serves the association by: Reviewing the association’s […]

Pay Association Fees Online

You can now pay your association fees online through the CAM Team. You can make an online credit card payment through the online portal located here. To make a payment you will need to register on the website.  You will receive a user name and password within 24 hours.  Once you log in, you will […]

Why We Contract for Professional Landscaping

Maintaining common areas is one of the board’s most basic responsibilities. To fulfill that responsibility, the board has contracted with a professional landscaping company. Before signing the contract, the board sought bids from several potential companies, carefully considered the competence and expertise of each company, checked references, and compared fees. These fees may seem like […]

The Essentials of Due Process

Inevitably, from time to time, community rules are broken. When this happens, the association informs residents about the problem and follows what is known as due process procedure. Simply stated, this means that the association always notifies residents of alleged violations before taking any action. We send written notice describing the possible rule violation and […]

Assessments as Important as Mortgages and Taxes

When you sit down to pay your bills each month, do you consider your association assessment a low priority? If so, think again. According to the NationalConsumerLawCenter’s (NCLC) Guide to Surviving Debt, “Condo fees…should be considered a high priority.” In fact, NCLC considers community association assessments in the same category as mortgage payments and real […]

Working to Protect Your Money

One of the most important responsibilities of the board is to manage the association’s funds—your money. We take this responsibility seriously; these are the procedures we insist on to protect your money: Ÿ Association financial records are audited annually by a certified public accountant. Ÿ Bank statements are reconciled promptly each month. Ÿ The balance […]

Why a Fee Increase?

It isn’t news most homeowners want to hear: that assessments might be increased. But sometimes a fee increase is the best way to keep the association in good financial health — and, sometimes, increases are unavoidable. Here are some of the reactions homeowners typically have when they hear that their fees are about to increase, […]

Why Does Your HOA Need Reserves?

Equipment and major components (like the roofs) must be replaced from time to time, regardless of whether we plan for the expense. We prefer to plan and set the funds aside now. Reserve funds aren’t an extra expense—they just spread out expenses more evenly. There are other important reasons we put association monies into reserves […]