Increase Your Home’s Value

A house is one of the biggest purchases a person will ever make, and most want to keep their homes looking beautiful not only for themselves, but also to entice future buyers. From time to time, it’s a good idea to invest in some home remodeling to add to its appeal. Of course, before making […]

Side Stepping Solicitors

Annoyed by the persistence of solicitors’ unwelcome knocks on the door? It seems like no matter what they do, they always manage to show up on your front porch. They come with fliers, door hangers, a rehearsed speech and the distinct ability to ignore the polite decline of the products they’re peddling—cleaning supplies, appliances, cosmetics, […]

Homeowner Help – All in One Place

The Internet is full of information for homeowners—if you can find what you’re looking for. Google searches can pull up thousands of sites, most of them irrelevant, and it’s your task to weed through them.  Now there’s a way around information overload. Community Associations Institute (CAI), a national membership group that works on behalf of […]

Speak Easy

Whether you’re making a presentation to the association board, at work for your boss or out in the community, speaking in public is no easy task. Once you overcome the nerves, you need to be coherent, informative and interesting. Here are a couple keys to grab and keep your audience’s attention: Talk about their concerns. […]

Avoiding Conflict with the Neighbors

We all can just get along. The key? Communication. It’s often the best way to prevent and resolve conflict before it reaches the legal system. You don’t have to be friends or spend time together to achieve a peaceful coexistence, but you should try to be a good neighbor and follow these tips:  Say hello. […]

Prepare Now for Job Loss

With millions of Americans unemployed, some for an extended period of time, those who currently have a job would be well-served by remembering the Scouting motto: Be Prepared.  If you haven’t been a victim of a layoff, it is highly likely that someone you know has.  Let this grim reality serve as an incentive to […]

Doing Your Part to Stop Invasive Species

Invasive species are plants, animals and microbes that are introduced into a non-native ecosystem and cause, or are likely to cause, harm to the economy, environment or human health. An invasive species that colonizes a new area may gain an ecological edge since the insects, diseases, and foraging animals that naturally keep its growth in […]

The Mess in the Mailbox

Disgusted by all of those unsolicited credit card offers clogging up your mailbox? Tired of lugging catalogs and junk mail to the recycling bin? All of this unwanted mail creates nothing but headaches and wasted paper, so it’s no wonder putting an end to it is a priority for many people. While you can’t eliminate […]

Big Tips for Small Fixes

Do-it-yourself projects can be immensely rewarding, but even a small repair can turn into a more frustrating and time-consuming job when you encounter unexpected problems. Here are some easy tips for tackling common home hardware problems that will leave you with a sense of accomplishment rather than a sense of frustration: Loose Screws: If a […]

Contractor Caution

Finding a contractor who will perform quality work at a reasonable price can be a daunting task. It’s always a good idea to ask for and check references and to contact the Better Business Bureau and your state licensing bureau to see if there are complaints against a prospective contractor. In addition, the following warning […]